Kit Bag For Kids was delighted to be involved in this years Police Citizens Youth Clubs NSW Nations of Origin events. The PCYC works in partnership with community and police to empower youth and support vulnerable and at-risk kids across NSW. The Nations of Origin event stretches over a week and is a celebration of reconciliation, cultural identity, education & sport. This year over 1,400 indigenous and non-indigenous young people represented their Aboriginal nation in
In 2000, at the inaugural Laureus World Sports Awards, founding patron Nelson Mandela said: “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way little else does. it speaks to youth in a language they understand”. From people like South Africa’s Siya Kaliski, first Black Springbok captain, who came from disadvantage we can only imagine, through to role models for youth like
Dear Supporters, We are pleased to report that Kit Bag For Kids made significant progress across many objectives in the first half of 2021. First, and most importantly, we delivered a total of 6,505 items of sportswear and equipment to disadvantaged Australian children. This was a record six-month period reflecting continued growth in our footprint and also the successful recruitment of a number of enthusiastic volunteers. Staffing is an important contributor to success and we
Raíz Invest is one of Asia’s leading micro-investing firms and a long-term supporter of Kit Bag For Kids. We are delighted to announce that Raiz has again in 2021 provided us with valuable financial support to allow the charity to continue operations. Raiz believe it is important to give back to the community. The team at Raix support charities and programs through financial donations and mentorship to organisations helping disadvantaged kids, as well as programs
It is great to see these smart donated guernseys getting a second life. They were taken 120km South East of Katherine by the AFL NT Youth Development Team to a community called Jilkminggan. The ‘Jilkminggan Blues’ were thrilled to get to wear the uniforms.
Kit Bag for Kids worked with NSW Office of Sport, Creative Community Concepts and MALO Republic to facilitate eight Far West Active Fests in Dubbo, Broken Hill, Menindee, Collarenibri, Lightning Ridge, Walgett, Brewarrina and Bourke during Match. Hundreds of kids from across these communities attended the events and each culminated in a MALO Colour Run. All children participating received a free MALO Republic sports kit and got to exchange their participation tokens for quality sports
For many of us the first half of 2020 has proven to be a very challenging environment and it is therefore pleasing to report that the charity managed to redistribute over 4,000 items of sports clothing, footwear and equipment. We worked with many familiar community groups and local government to facilitate this result. It is also encouraging to note that we distributed to four new schools in Greater Sydney and a further two in Alice
Northern Suburbs Football and Kit Bag For Kids are pleased to announce a partnership. The two groups will work together to collect, sort and redistribute unwanted sports kit and equipment to disadvantaged children across Australia. NSFA will be working with its association of junior soccer clubs to donate gear to KBFK on their behalf. The partnership started well with Kissing Point FC donating 242 soccer jerseys in the first week.
In 2019 Kit Bag For Kids made good progress in pursuit of our goals. We added over 20 community groups, schools and associations to our growing list of recipients and the number of willing donors continues to expand as word related to our work spreads. Interestingly, we have been approached by a number of willing donors outside of NSW, providing questions for the board as to whether we grow the charity’s collection and distribution model