Half-yearly update

For many of us the first half of 2020 has proven to be a very challenging environment and it is therefore pleasing to report that the charity managed to redistribute over 4,000 items of sports clothing, footwear and equipment. We worked with many familiar community groups and local government to facilitate this result. It is also encouraging to note that we distributed to four new schools in Greater Sydney and a further two in Alice Springs.

We were also well supported by generous donors. The Cranbrook and Corpus Christi schools in Sydney provided quality kits and we continue to receive amazing support from many local junior soccer and AFL clubs who have woven community giving into their social charter. It was therefore fitting to be recognised by the Northern Suburbs FA and also NSW/ACT AFL who have coordinated and consolidated donations across their affiliated clubs. AFL is a very popular activity amongst remote community kids and the jerseys donated were quickly put to good use.

Strategically, Kit Bag For Kids continued to develop our working relationship with MALO Republic and their fantastic ‘Buy One I Get One’ initiative (www.malorepublic.com.au) and we are excited to report that our first major project together is set to launch in Alice Springs in a matter of days. Operationally, we are also on a more stable platform with the development and application of a robust CRM system to monitor stock and distributions.

Thanks again to all our supporters who so generously donate to this cause and of course our team of volunteers without whom none of these achievements would be possible.

Please like us / follow us / share us on your social media platforms and get in touch if we can help you or you can help us.

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